Thursday, 26 January 2012

First Look : Literature - Featured : Greg Ritchie

Happy Friday Loud Mouths! To celebrate the end of another work week (the most depressing week of the year, if you listen to the press), we present you with a sneak peek at another one of our upcoming writers, Greg Ritchie!

Greg lists James Joyce, Franz Kafka and Harper Lee amongst his favourite authors, and his blog, 'A Literary Concoction', offers witty and frank reviews and remarks on everything from established classics such as 'Animal Farm', to underrated gems like 'The Cone Gatherers.'

Greg's articles, tackling topical literary issues such as linguistic elitism and the rise of the e-book, will be available for viewing on Loud Mouth. Until then, have a look at his work on

Keep an eye out for our next blog post, where we'll be sticking with the literary theme and examining whether the best readers make the best writers...

Have a lovely weekend,

Malvika Jaganmohan
Co-editor in Chief

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