Tuesday, 3 January 2012

The start of something new...?

High School Musical references aside, welcome to Loud Mouth's official blog. Along with our Youtube channel, Facebook page and Twitter feed, this will act as your source of up-to-date Loud Mouth information.

For those new readers who have only just discovered Loud Mouth, we are an upcoming website dedicated to showcasing aspiring artists, photographers and writers. We accept any and all submissions, but we must emphasise the fact that we only include the very best. At the moment, we are looking for initial content and so we encourage all the Loudmouths out there to submit to one or more of our sections: Opinion, Arts and Culture, Creative, Literature, Sport, or Photography and Design. All details on how this can be done can be found here, in our 'Info' section. 

We are currently in the design stages, and thought it may be a good idea to log everything we're doing, so we can remember this process once the site is up and running. We just spent the day flicking through some amazing photography to fill the web pages up with. Also sifted through many, many, many articles, poems and stories, drawing out the best of the best to join the ranks of the Loudmouths. Very proud to call their creators Loud Mouth contributors. 

Here's a little glimpse of what can be expected...


  1. Can't wait for this to be well established.
    Do hope some of my stuff gets put up, and I will try to get more 'good' writing done.
    Excited for the new year!

  2. So excited for the launch! :)

  3. The website skeak peeks look fantastic. I'm really looking forward to the launch!

  4. This looks amazing! A great opportunity; my mind is already racing...
